Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 濡らす in Japanese
濡らす, 濡すJLPT 2
Kana Readingぬらす
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- Godan verb with `su' ending, transitive verb
- Meaning
- to wet; to soak; to dip
Examples of 濡らす, 濡す, ぬらす in a sentence
He made a lot of easy money.
He wetted his towel with water.
I got my shoes wet.
The dirty rain started to fall on me.
Brian came to Kate, with his hair wet.
In the event that asbestos-covered mesh is found, ensure its safety by damping the asbestos portion to prevent dust release and wrapping in a plastic bag.
Verb Conjugations
- Plain
- 濡らす
- Plain Polite
- 濡らします
- Negative
- 濡らさない
- Negative Polite
- 濡らしません
- Plain
- 濡らした
- Plain Polite
- 濡らしました
- Negative
- 濡らさなかった
- Negative Polite
- 濡らしませんでした
- Plain
- 濡らして
- Plain Polite
- 濡らしまして
- Negative
- --
- Negative Polite
- --
- Plain
- 濡らされる
- Plain Polite
- 濡らされます
- Negative
- 濡らされない
- Negative Polite
- 濡らされません
Related Kanji
17 strokes
get wet, damp, make love
On'Yomi: ジュ, ニュ
Kun'Yomi: ぬれ.る, ぬら.す, ぬ.れる, ぬ.らす, うるお.い, うるお.う, うるお.す