Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 筈 in Japanese
筈, 弭JLPT 4
Kana Readingはず
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- expectation that something took place, will take place or was in some state; it should be so; bound to be; expected to be; must be
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- nock (of a bow)
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- nock (of an arrow)
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- nock-shaped grip (between thumb and forefinger) (Sumo)
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- wooden frame on the tip of the mast of a Japanese ship that prevents the hawser from falling out
Examples of 筈, 弭, はず in a sentence
He listened to my pitch, so he must be interested.
You should get there in five minutes walking.
What I looked up to in Shota was not his 'strength'. It was his heroic courage to put his life on the line to carry out his convictions.
Yes. I'm pretty sure there are complimentary tickets that haven't been used somewhere.
The thief has to be in here. I'm sure somewhere around is his stronghold so if we can just find that we've got him.
There's no way I could do something like that in front of people.
Related Kanji
9 strokes
stop, cease, notches where drawstring is attached to the bow
On'Yomi: ビ, ミ
Kun'Yomi: や.める, や.む, ゆはず
12 strokes
notch of an arrow, ought, must, should be, expected
On'Yomi: カツ
Kun'Yomi: はず, やはず