Japanese Dictionary
Meaning of 崩壊 in Japanese
崩壊, 崩潰JLPT 1
Kana Readingほうかい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
- Meaning
- collapse; crumbling; breaking down; caving in
- Parts of speech
- Meaning
- decay (physics)
Examples of 崩壊, 崩潰, ほうかい in a sentence
Kamui no Ken was a sort of samurai/ninja story set during the transition of the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the re-establishment of Japan under the Emperor Meiji in 1868.
His flawlessly ordered life collapsed when his drug-addict brothers appeared.
Cold war ended when the Soviet Union collapsed.
His regime is bound to collapse.
The bursting of Japan's so-called bubble economy sent shockwaves through international markets.
The floor gave way.
Related Kanji
11 strokes
crumble, die, demolish, level
On'Yomi: ホウ
Kun'Yomi: くず.れる, -くず.れ, くず.す
16 strokes
demolition, break, destroy
On'Yomi: カイ, エ
Kun'Yomi: こわ.す, こわ.れる, やぶ.る