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Meaning of 放出 in Japanese
放出JLPT 1
Kana Readingほうしゅつ
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
- Meaning
- release; emission; ejection
Examples of 放出, ほうしゅつ in a sentence
These solvents, due to their volatility, evaporate into the atmosphere when used.
The cones of the jack pine, for example, do not readily open to release their seeds until they have been subjected to great heat.
When matter is changed chemically, chemical energy is given off.
The sun sends out an incredible amount of heat and light.
Plants give off oxygen as they make food.
Related Kanji
8 strokes
set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, liberate
On'Yomi: ホウ
Kun'Yomi: はな.す, -っぱな.し, はな.つ, はな.れる, こ.く, ほう.る
5 strokes
exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude
On'Yomi: シュツ, スイ
Kun'Yomi: で.る, -で, だ.す, -だ.す, い.でる, い.だす