Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 擦り傷(すりきず) in Japanese

擦り傷, すり傷, 擦傷, かすり傷, 掠り傷
Kana Reading
すりきず, かすりきず, こすりきず
surikizu, kasurikizu, kosurikizu
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
    scratch; graze; abrasion
    Example sentence
    彼女はその事故かすり傷負った She got scratches in the accident.

Examples of 擦り傷, すり傷, 擦傷, かすり傷, 掠り傷, すりきず, かすりきず, こすりきず in a sentence

Kanji in this word


17 strokes

grate, rub, scratch, scrape, chafe, scour

On'Yomi: サツ

Kun'Yomi: す.る, す.れる, -ず.れ, こす.る, こす.れる

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13 strokes

wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point

On'Yomi: ショウ

Kun'Yomi: きず, いた.む, いた.める

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11 strokes

pillage, rob, graze, skim, sweep over, cheat, hint

On'Yomi: リャク, リョウ

Kun'Yomi: かす.める, かす.る, かす.れる

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