Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 訓練生 in Japanese
Kana Readingくんれんせい
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- trainee
Examples of 訓練生, くんれんせい in a sentence
Because the new trainee did things sluggishly, he was told that he'd be fired if he didn't start taking his job seriously.
At first, the trainees were awkward in his company.
At first the trainees were awkward in his company.
The trainee could hardly bear the burden of the task.
Related Kanji
10 strokes
instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read
On'Yomi: クン, キン
Kun'Yomi: おし.える, よ.む, くん.ずる
14 strokes
practice, gloss, train, drill, polish, refine
On'Yomi: レン
Kun'Yomi: ね.る, ね.り
5 strokes
life, genuine, birth
On'Yomi: セイ, ショウ
Kun'Yomi: い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, うま.れる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う