Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of バタバタ in Japanese

バタバタ, ばたばた
batabata, batabata
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru, adverb (fukushi), adverb taking the `to' particle
    flapping; rattling (sound); noisily; clattering noise
    Example sentence
    からのバタバタ忘れかけていたけど、まだ部員問題残ってるだろう With all the kerfuffle since this morning I'd almost forgotten but we've still got the problem of the club members haven't we?
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    commotion; kerfuffle
    Example sentence
    はいつもばたばたと活動している He is always up and doing.

Examples of , バタバタ, ばたばた in a sentence