Japanese 1010 Part One

Last Updated 11 years ago

Vocab for part one.

Recently Added Words

    • (はじ)めまして
    • (はじ)めまして
    • はじめまして
    Added 11 years ago

    Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)

    How do you do?; I am glad to meet you

    • (よろ)しく
    • (むべ)()
    • 夜露死苦(よつゆしく)
    • よろしく
    Added 11 years ago

    Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), adverb (fukushi)

    well; properly; suitably

    best regards; please remember me; please treat me favorably (favourably); please take care of

    • 貴方(あなた)
    • 貴女(きじょ)
    • 貴男(たかお)
    • あなた
    Added 11 years ago

    pronoun, nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'

    you (referring to someone of equal or lower status)

    dear (what a wife calls a husband)

    • さん
    Added 11 years ago


    Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms

    honorific used with occupational titles

    • ()みません
    • すみません
    Added 11 years ago

    interjection (kandoushi)

    sorry; excuse me; thank you

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