300 Most Common Japanese Words in Most Anime (but actually mostly Narto)

Last Updated 11 years ago

I did not comprise this list myself, Ken Cannon did. Check out his site http://www.japanesethroughanimeclass.com/ to learn how to learn Japanese by watching anime!

Here is the list written out in romanji. I made my list mostly in the order that Ken teaches it rather than in the order of the list.

1. Ore
2. Omae
3. Koto
4. Suru
5. Sore
6. Dakara
7. Kage bunshin/hokage - kage bushin is not in the dictionary, it means shadow clone
8. Iu/itte/itta/iwanai - only iu is in dictionary. itte = say, itta = said, and iwanai = not say
9. Nani/nanika
10. Sato
11. Shinobi
12. Sama
13. Kore
14. Jutsu
15. Kun
16. Demo
17. Chakura - not in dictionary - energy chakra
18. Tachi
19. Sono
20. Kono
21. Ima
22. Sou
23. Me
24. Wakaru
25. Chikara
26. Made
27. Darou
28. Daga
29. Dake
30. Shiru
31. Yatsu
32. You
33. Watashi
34. Kyuubi - not in dictionary - means - a demon fox that has nine tails
35. Heiwa
36. Ii
37. dekiru
38. Nara
39. Aru
40. Shinjiru
41. Jyanai
42. Iru
43. Ano
44. Dattebayo - not in dictionary - Naruto's Catchphrase
45. Tte
46. Tame
47. Mono
48. Hazu
49. Hanashi
50. Sonna
51. Sensei
52. Iku
53. Hontou
54. Onaji
55. Itami
56. Are
57. Sukoshi
58. Deru
59. Omou
60. Rikai
61. Miru
62. Toki
63. Nanda
64. Koko
65. Konna
66. Tashika/ni
67. Subete
68. Shinu
69. Ikiru
70. Kotae
71. Iya
72. Jya
73. Hou
74. Hitori
75. Ugoku
76. Chan
77. Shimau/chimau
78. Nande
79. Aa
80. Kureru
81. Mada
82. Ero sennin - not in dictionary - means Erotic Hermit/Pervy Hermit/Erotic Sage
83. San/yon/go daime - not in dictionary, but dai = generation (included as study material) me = eye 
84. Sekai
85. Kamoshirenai
86. Yurusu
87. Nukeru/nukenin
88. Kangae/ru
89. Korosu
90. Kuru
91. Nanimo
92. Aitsu
93. Kedo
94. Seigi
95. Demo
96. –ra
97. Hi no kuni - not in dictionary - kuni = country. hi = fire, hi no kuni = Fire country
98. Hontai
99. Doko
100. mamoru
101. anta
102. temee
103. washi
104. yahari/yappari
105. yatta
106. gakure - not in dictionary, means to give me the... but might be kakure which means to be hidden
107. itsudemo/itsumo/itsuka
108. ishi
109. Atta
110. Arigatou
111. Akirameru
112. Yori
113. Touri
114. Teru
115. Taisetsu
116. shika
117. tsumori
118. datte
119. yarou
120. Soshite
121. noni
122. Yaru/ te yaru
123. Mitsukeru
124. Mina
125. koitsu
126. dou
127. teki
128. saigo
129. sugiru
130. muri
131. jouhou
132. jibun
133. dare
134. boku
135. mucha
136. bashou
137. wake
138. tatakai
139. naka
140. mata
141. masaka
142. tatakau
143. kondo
144. fukushuu
145. tsuite
146. shishou
147. sakki
148. otouto
149. ni naru
150. mama
151. kiku
152. imi
153. fuuin
154. deshi
155. daijyoubu
156. yoku
157. uso
158. korekara
159. touchan
160. kawasu
161. kou
162. baka
163. katon
164. suki
165. rashi
166. nigeru
167. nakama
168. soreni
169. oi
170. momoru
171. kokomade
172. bijyuu - not in dictionary - means tailed beast
173. tsukuyomi
174. anata
175. kuchiyose
176. jyounin
177. te kure - not in dictionary - it is the asking form of a verb
178. –tai
179. Sensou
180. shikashi
181. Morau
182. tsuyoi
183. Oshieru
184. Ningen
185. Karada
186. tsukuru
187. Hitotsu
188. Doushita
189. Dame
190. Chigau
191. Sugu
192. Otoko
193. ue
194. Suman/nai
195. Tada/shi
196. Nouryoku
197. kami
198. yagaru
199. Nante
200. Motsu
201. Kuso
202. sorekara
203. Kaeru
204. Futari
205. Doku
206. Aite
207. hayai
208. Yume
209. Youna
210. Yoshi
211. Tsureru
212. Tsukai
213. Taosu
214. Desu
215. Sandaime
216. Ooki
217. machigae
218. Namae/na
219. Musuko
220. Matsu
221. Kougeki
222. Tokoro
223. kurushi
224. hito
225. Tsunagu
226. Kieru
227. Kanji
228. hajimeru
229. Ichiban
230. Honoo
231. Hai
232. Dattara
233. Tsugi
234. Sonzai
235. Motto
236. yameru
237. Sorosoro
238. zettai
239. Deshou
240. Sharingan - not in the dictionary - means Copy Wheel Eye
241. San
242. Omoi
243. Mushi
244. Mazu
245. Makaseru
246. Koudou
247. Ittai
248. Inochi
249. Hitsuyou
250. Godai
251. Gisei
252. Gaki
253. hoshi
254. naze
255. Okage de
256. Doushite
257. Dono
258. Dasu
259. Ame
260. Un
261. Umaku
262. Tasukeru
263. Soko
264. Soitsu
265. yabai
266. Shuriken
267. Shippai
268. Tsumari
269. tomeru
270. Onore
271. Ato
272. Ninjutsu
273. Mokuteki
274. Mitomeru
275. Kecchaku
276. Kaze
277. Kawaru
278. Kakujitsu
279. sugoi
280. Jidai
281. Issho
282. Ichido
283. Honki
284. Hidari
285. Hanasu
286. Ashi
287. Anshinshiru - not in the dictionary - means relief or peace of mind
288. Sate
289. Fuzakeru
290. Soredemo
*291 – 300 have been merged with similar versions above to avoid repetitive listings. (The words with slash marks)

Here are some other words I have included because he went over them in his lessons yet the are not on the list. 


Recently Added Words

    • (おれ)
    • (おのれ)
    • 乃公
    • おれ
    • だいこう
    • ないこう
    Added 11 years ago

    pronoun, nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'

    I; me (rough or arrogant-sounding first-person pronoun, formerly also used by women)

    • (まえ)
    • 御前(ごぜん)
    • おまえ
    • おまい
    • おめえ
    Added 11 years ago

    pronoun, nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'

    you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior)

    presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.)

    • 其れ
    • それ
    Added 11 years ago

    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)

    that (indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener, or something on their mind); it

    that time; then

    there (indicating a place near the listener)


    • 此れ
    • ()
    • ()
    • (これ)
    • (これ)
    • これ
    Added 11 years ago


    this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic)

    this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group)



    I (me)


    • ()かる
    • (わか)
    • (わか)
    • (わか)
    • わかる
    Added 11 years ago

    Godan verb with `ru' ending, intransitive verb

    to be understood; to be comprehended; to be grasped

    to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out

Recently Added Kanji

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