
Last Updated 4 years ago

Itami o shire

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    • ()たす
    • ()たす
    • みたす
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `su' ending, transitive verb

    to satisfy; to fulfill; to appease

    to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack

    to reach (a certain number)

    • 湿(しめ)
    • しめす
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `su' ending, transitive verb

    to wet; to moisten; to dampen

    • (なげ)
    • 歎く
    • なげく
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `ku' ending, intransitive verb

    to sigh; to lament; to grieve

    • (なげ)かわしい
    • なげかわしい
    Added 4 years ago

    adjective (keiyoushi)

    sad; wretched; deplorable

    • (とつ)
    • とつぐ
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `gu' ending, intransitive verb

    to marry; to marry into (a family)

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