Practice Sheet

Week 29: Joyo Kanji Challenge

Character Definition

ケツ, ケチ, むすぶ, う, わえる

tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten

キュウ, たまう, たもう, -たま

salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on

ゾク, ショク, コウ, キョウ, つづく, つづける, つぐない

continue, series, sequel

チ, く, -お

placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn

ロウ, いる, ける

old man, old age, grow old

stomach, paunch, crop, craw

ミャク, すじ

vein, pulse, pulse, hope

チョウ, はらわた

intestines, guts, bowels, viscera

シン, ジン

retainer, subject


navigate, sail, cruise, fly

リョウ, い, -よい, い, -い

good, pleasing, skilled

ゲイ, ウン, える, のり, わざ

technique, art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt

ガ, め

bud, sprout, spear, germ

エイ, はなぶさ

England, English

サイ, な

vegetable, side dish, greens

ガイ, カイ, まち

boulevard, street, town

イ, エ, ころも, きぬ, -ぎ

garment, clothes, dressing

ヨウ, る, かなめ

need, main point, essence, pivot, key to

カク, おぼえる, ます, める, さと

memorize, learn, remember, awake, sober up

カン, る, しめ

outlook, look, appearance, condition, view

クン, キン, おしえる, む, くんずる

instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read

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