Community > Groups > General Discussion > Let's share the words we know ^v^
Community > Groups > General Discussion > Let's share the words we know ^v^
Let's share the words we know ^v^
Posted by kitbis 8 years ago
Posted by kitbis 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
well, unfortunately, it will end soon. In one week, I'll have to start taking care of my school stuff. My chinese school starts on August 21.
Posted 8 years ago
Gojira = ゴジラ = Godzilla
honyaku (suru) = ほんやく(する) = 翻訳(する) = translation (to translate)
sotsugyou (suru)= そつぎょう(する)= 卒業(する)= graduation (to graduate)
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for adding on to the chat!
hamusuta=ハムスター= hamster
My hamster is out right now and she is running in the wheel! KAWAII DESU!
Posted 8 years ago
どういたしまして、Emmachan! ハムスターはとてもかわいいですね。僕も多い動物が大好きです。 :D
boku = ぼく = 僕 = I/me (masculine)
ooi= おおい = 多い = many
doubutsu= どうぶつ = 動物 = animal(s)
Posted 8 years ago
otoko = おとこ = 男 = male
onna = おんな = 女 = female
[When describing people, use 男 and 女 in third-person only (namely those who are out of sight.)]
hito = ひと = 人 = person (adult)
kodomo = こども = 子供 = child
otokonohito = おとこのひと = 男の人 = man
onnanohito = おんなのひと = 女の人 = woman
otokonoko = おとこのこ = 男の子 = boy
onnanoko = おんなのこ = 女の子 = girl
Posted 8 years ago
These are a list of possible pets.... except maybe the elephant! :)
petto = ペット = pet
neko = ねこ = cat
tori = とり = bird
tokage = とかげ = lizard
zosan = ぞさん = elephant
Posted 8 years ago
More animals coming up!!!
sakana = さかな = 魚 = ish
unagi = うなぎ = 鰻 = eel(s)
ebi = えび = 海老 = shrimp(s)
kani = かに = 蟹 = crab(s)
robustaa = ロブスター = lobster(s)
tako = たこ = 蛸 = octopus (octopi)
same = さめ = 鮫 = shark(s)
kujira = クジラ = 鯨 = whale(s)
LOL I feel like going swimming now.
Posted 8 years ago
It seems like you ate SUSHI for dinner! haha
sushi = すし
kudamono = くだもの = fruit
ringo = りんご = apple
mikan = みかん = orange
ichigo = いちご = strawberry
suika = すいか = watermelon ( great for the summer! )
budou = ぶどう = grape
nashi = なし = pear
Posted 8 years ago