New Student
Hi ダリウス! I just wanted to say I started a new discussion in Nihongo Master Questions/Study Group. I would love it if you would try it and see if you like it!
I've been great! I have seen you on Nihongo Master about every day and you are doing really well. Keep doing those drills.....
Thanks for joining! :)
Hey! It would be a big help to my group if you join: Nihongo Master Questions/Study Group! :)
No worries! You're doing great too, keep it up!
Thanks! You are doing good (as always)! haha
Thanks for the advice!
Thanks for following me! I wish I was as good as you with drills! :3
デリウス asked the community the question 'When will the existing members button will get fixed?'
1 year agoデリウス voted for hakumei70's answer to jmarois's question 'End of drills button'
1 year agoデリウス voted for melinda's answer to ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス voted for irmisbetty's answer to ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス voted for Xyphox's answer to ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス commented on melinda's answer for 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス voted for Xyphox's answer to ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス voted for paulakfleck's answer to ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
1 year agoデリウス answered Efra.Rey's question 'Kanji and Manga lessons'
1 year ago
Bluechunk cheese ftw!!