Community > Groups > General Discussion > Let's share the words we know ^v^


Let's share the words we know ^v^

Posted by kitbis 8 years ago

Posted 8 years ago

Correction from my previous post coming up:


robusutaa  =  ロブスター  =  lobster






Posted 8 years ago

School starts soon....... or already started.. depends!

School Supplies

enpitsu = えんぴつ = pencil

enpitsu kezuri = えんぴつけずり = pencil sharpener

nori = のり = glue or seaweed

keshigomu = けしごむ = eraser

pen = ペン = pen

gomibako = ごみばこ = trash can



Posted 8 years ago

LOL, another coreection to make from one of my post:


sakana = さかな = 魚 = fish


Now for some school stuff!!!

gakkou = がっこう = 学校 = school


kyoushi = きょうし = 教師 = teacher


sensei = せんせい = 先生 = teacher (title / honorific)


shougakkou = しょうがっこう = 小学校 = elementary school


shougakusei = しょうがくせい = 小学生 =  elementary school student


chuugakkou = ちゅうがっこう = 中学校 =  middle school


chuugakusei = ちゅうがくせい = 中学生 =   middle school student


koukou = こうこう = 高校 =  high school


koukousei = こうこうせい = 高校生 =      high school student


daigaku = だいがく = 大学 =  college / university


daigakusei = だいがくせい = 大学生 =     college student / university student


Posted 8 years ago

Category for today: Insects

choucho = ちょうちょ = butterfly

tobu = とぶ = fly

ka = か = mosquito

tentomushi = てんとむし = ladybug

tombo = とんぼ = dragonfly


Posted 8 years ago



You guys seriously write a lot! It'll take me a eternity to memorize all that (well, ok, eternity is kind of exagerated).

Anyway, I feel like I'm going to run out of ideas. Let's see... Well, in that case I'm going to write about manga and stories


shoujo=しょうじょ=少女=young girls (in manga terms, shoujo manga are mostly for the teenager girl public. they usually have romance in it)

shounen=しょうねん=少年=young boys (in manga terms, shoujo manga are mostly for the teenager boy public. they usually have adventures or sports in it, I think. Well, I don't read those a lot so I don't really know)



ai=あい=愛=love, affection

youkai=ようかい=妖怪= ghost/demon/monster (anyway, it's a supernatural being)





I searched some words in the dictionnary to be sure.


Posted 8 years ago

Hi everyone, 

I'm new to the group, thanks for inviting me! I didn't check if these words were already said, but hopefully they will be useful to you. I don't know the kanji for any of these though - sorry!

shoppai = しょっぱい = salty 

suppai = すっぱい = sour

karai = からい = spicy

amai = あまい = sweet 

umai = うまい = "delicious!" 

yume = ゆめ = dream

shogakusei = しょがくせい = elementary school student 



Posted 8 years ago

mise = みせ = 店 = shop

okashi = おかし = sweets

shukudai = しゅくだい = homework