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Read/Translate something together

Posted by plebaap 8 years ago

Posted 8 years ago

Hey everyone on Nihongo Master! Just like many of you here I enjoy manga thoroughly. Recently I started reading them raw instead of translated and I have found this to be a great learning experience. I have found it to be very rewarding aswell, many words and expressions I haven't seen before are popping up.

I was wondering if there are more people here who would like to give this a shot? If so, we could set up a group here on Nihongo Master. We could just pick a manga to read and use it to help each other out with words we don't know. Or if there is enough interest we could even pick up some untranslated manga and start a translation project on it!

Anyways, I think it would be a fun way to learn together with the rest of this great community instead of alone, so let me know what you think!

Dejia wright

Posted 7 years ago

i would like to study with you guys


Posted 7 years ago

This would be really fun if we got enough people! 


Posted 7 years ago



This sounds really really fun, not sure whether my japanese is quite good enough to do that yet. 37 kanji doesn't sound like enough to read a book, but I'd still love to give it a try :)


Posted 7 years ago

It is good idea. I tried this before, but was stopped because of my lack of kanji. Also, good quality raw is needed for us nabs to be readable :D


Posted 7 years ago

wow! I'm totally on board. Sounds like a really fun way to learn Japanese kanji and such. I'm new to this site, and to learning Japanese. How many people would we need?


Posted 7 years ago

I wonder, maybe translating light novels would be better idea since it doesnt need many people (for editing, cleaning and so on)


Posted 7 years ago

That is a good point. Although, I will say it will be easier to follow along for beginners (like me.. Lol) with pictures in manga. Then again, it would be a better challenge with a light novel.


Posted 7 years ago

Yeah, true, additionally, manga is usually written with furagana, so it is easier to read and look up in dictionary. You can just copy-paste text from light novel on the other hand. If you copy it to google translate, it will show pronounciatopn too.


Posted 7 years ago

Mangas are not usually written with furigana though depends on the demographic ..shounen and shoujo mangas are usually written with furigana 'coz it targets young boys and girls ..seinen and josei are for young adults or adults .. you would not see furiganas in those ..we could pick shounen or shoujo mangas with a slice of life or school life genre 'coz the vocabulary is more normal and for daily life than action adventure mangas ..


Tell me if this is still happening?? lol ..I would suggest something like youtsubato, barakamon, or gekkan shojo nozaki-kun (don't know if there are raws for this to download yet) ..I have japanese raw for yotsubato if you want ..