New Student
Yeah, I'll just say commenting on others profiles is not the best way of communicating. The only other option is using the community chat.
Nope (I'm bad at names), your choice ;)
Hey, wondered if you wanted to create a team with me?
No problem :) Well, you were around my level, which means almost same vocabulary and grammar knowledge as me, so it would easier to for example converse in japanese. The Chat server is still unavailable and I think best way to learn language is to use it :D But your progress is so fast, i need to speed up :D I am not sure either, we can test it out if you wish :)
Hi, I am sorry I didn't notice you left a comment at my profile up until now ^^;; You are looking for a study buddy or you want to form a team ( I am still not sure what that means tho) or?
jojkov finished the quiz 'With Best WISHES' and scored 100%
7 years agojojkov unlocked the drill 'No PARENTS Allowed!?'
7 years agojojkov completed the lesson 'There is NO Age Limit!'
7 years agojojkov voted for Aki's answer to Dennis's question '~てしまう both as "regretter" and "terminator" ?'
7 years agojojkov answered Marvin's question 'I can't understand this drill on a "[Noun1] より [Noun2] のほうが [Adjective]" comparison'
7 years agojojkov unlocked the drill 'Don't Get Sick of Kanji!'
7 years agojojkov completed the lesson 'But I’m Doctorphobic!!'
7 years agojojkov unlocked the drill 'Voice Your Opinion!'
7 years agojojkov completed the lesson 'The Tractable やすい'
7 years agojojkov unlocked the drill 'Do I Look Like an おに!?'
7 years ago
hey, can you give me practice sheets for the JLPT N5 test? I really need those because the the JLPT test will start about 3 days more in my country. thanks ^^