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InvalidAccount unlocked the drill 'Do You Feel Lucky, Kanji?'
10 years agoInvalidAccount read the lesson 'The Good, The Bad, And The Kanji'
10 years agoInvalidAccount finished the quiz 'Plain Ole Negatives' and scored 85%
10 years agoInvalidAccount unlocked the drill 'Getting Quite Fancy'
10 years agoInvalidAccount read the lesson 'The Plain い Adjectives'
10 years agoInvalidAccount unlocked the drill 'Getting More Fancy'
10 years agoInvalidAccount read the lesson 'The Plain Ichidan'
10 years agoInvalidAccount unlocked the drill 'Getting A Little Fancy'
10 years agoInvalidAccount read the lesson 'The Plain Godan'
10 years agoInvalidAccount unlocked the drill 'Fly A Plain Form'
10 years ago