I've passed the JLPT N3 recently. I still have a long way to go and look forward to learning with everyone.
ええと。 .. .. 多分。 ..私の好きな食べ物は牛丼です。 すき家の牛丼が最高ですが、吉野家のブラックカレーはとても美味しかったです! !! ^ _ ^ NihonScopeには新しいホスティングが必要です。 すぐに! :) 。。。I may have butchered that, but haha. Thanks for replying! I always use hitsuyou When talking, but never really Seen the kanji before.
Chijimi wo tabeta? Okonomiyaki wo tabeta? ... DUDE.. Okonomiyaki is awesome. Totally bad for you so much gluten.. but oh so oooooishiiii
AnoOtaku obtained 'Community Leader'
3 years agoAnoOtaku completed the lesson 'Because 山 is There!'
4 years agoAnoOtaku completed the lesson 'A Happy New Year!'
4 years agoAnoOtaku completed the lesson '私が一ばん!-- I am number 1!!'
4 years agoAnoOtaku obtained 'Back From The Dead'
4 years agoAnoOtaku left a comment for Nihon Scope
4 years agoAnoOtaku finished the quiz 'Dare to Compare' and scored 94%
4 years agoAnoOtaku completed the lesson 'Stop Being So Wishy-Washy!'
4 years agoAnoOtaku obtained 'Gumshoe'
4 years ago
そう!時々漢字はとても難しいだよ! でも、 Wanikani.com FTW :D