I'm new to Japanese and excited to learn! はじめまして!
アイリス unlocked the drill 'Would You Like Some Fermented Soybeans?'
2 years agoアイリス completed the lesson 'Eat, Drink, Study Japanese'
2 years agoアイリス unlocked the drill 'Teachers And Students'
2 years agoアイリス completed the lesson 'Taking Out The Kanji'
2 years agoアイリス unlocked the drill 'を! Or Is It が?'
2 years agoアイリス completed the lesson 'Back To The Verbs'
2 years agoアイリス finished the quiz 'Looking On The Dark Side Of Things' and scored 74%
2 years agoアイリス unlocked the drill 'Work Hard And Good Luck!'
2 years agoアイリス completed the lesson 'アマンダさん Runs Into A Friend'
2 years agoアイリス unlocked the drill 'The Negative Side To Verbs'
2 years ago