gloria obtained 'Rising Star'
2 years agogloria obtained 'Overachiever'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Yes, That Is So.'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'More Consonant Changes: た to と'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Teach Me Some More Kanji!'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Changing Consonants: さ to そ'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Learning How to Say Goodbye'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Katakana ヤ to ヨ and Yōon I'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Dakuten Drills Round 2: ざto ぞ and Vocabulary'
2 years agogloria unlocked the drill 'Run Away! The い Adjectives Are Here!'
2 years ago