Jackson voted for Mr. Sosa's answer to jmarois's question 'Update on drills'
1 year agoJackson obtained 'We The People'
1 year agoJackson obtained 'Self Motivator'
1 year agoJackson obtained 'Cram Session'
1 year agoJackson finished the quiz 'Quiz: ラ to ロ' and scored 100%
1 year agoJackson unlocked the drill 'Drill: Katakana ラ to ロ'
1 year agoJackson completed the lesson 'Let's Go to ララ Land: Katakana ラ to ロ'
1 year agoJackson finished the quiz 'Quiz: マ to モ' and scored 95%
2 years agoJackson unlocked the drill 'ママ? Katakana マ to モ'
2 years agoJackson completed the lesson 'Katakana マ to モ'
2 years ago