I'm new to Japanese and excited to learn!
ipsuperstar asked the community the question 'Subscription Cancellation- Fed up with new format and lack of response by site owner'
2 years agoipsuperstar obtained 'Community Leader'
2 years agoipsuperstar obtained 'Peek A Boo'
2 years agoipsuperstar answered ipsuperstar's question 'Please reinstate old format.'
2 years agoipsuperstar asked the community the question 'Please reinstate old format.'
2 years agoipsuperstar obtained 'Gumshoe'
2 years agoipsuperstar voted for julian.kienzl19's answer to Mr. Sosa's question 'Old website format please'
2 years agoipsuperstar unlocked the drill 'もう、もう、もう~!!'
2 years agoipsuperstar completed the lesson 'もう is not for Cows!'
2 years agoipsuperstar unlocked the drill 'Boys and Girls, Be Ambitious! '
2 years ago