I'm new to Japanese and excited to learn!
ジンベイザメ unlocked the drill 'もう、もう、もう~!!'
2 years agoジンベイザメ completed the lesson 'もう is not for Cows!'
2 years agoジンベイザメ unlocked the drill 'A Typhoon is Coming'
2 years agoジンベイザメ completed the lesson 'A Stormy Night'
2 years agoジンベイザメ unlocked the drill 'Which is the Best?'
2 years agoジンベイザメ completed the lesson '私が一ばん!-- I am number 1!!'
2 years agoジンベイザメ asked the community the question '読書に興味がある方? Do you like reading?'
2 years agoジンベイザメ voted for wayansam's answer to ジンベイザメ's question 'Any app recommendation to improve japanese skills?'
2 years agoジンベイザメ voted for LPP's answer to ジンベイザメ's question 'Any app recommendation to improve japanese skills?'
2 years agoジンベイザメ unlocked the drill 'And Back Again'
2 years ago