New Student
Karl finished the quiz 'Quiz: ヤ,ユ, ヨ and Yōon I' and scored 100%
10 years agoKarl unlocked the drill 'Katakana ヤ to ヨ and Yōon I'
10 years agoKarl read the lesson 'Katakana ヤ, ユ, and ヨ, Also Featuring: Yōon I'
10 years agoKarl finished the quiz 'Quiz: ラ to ロ' and scored 95%
10 years agoKarl unlocked the drill 'Drill: Katakana ラ to ロ'
10 years agoKarl read the lesson 'Let's Go to ララ Land: Katakana ラ to ロ'
10 years agoKarl finished the quiz 'Quiz: マ to モ' and scored 100%
10 years agoKarl unlocked the drill 'ママ? Katakana マ to モ'
10 years agoKarl read the lesson 'Katakana マ to モ'
10 years agoKarl finished the quiz 'Quiz: バ to ポ' and scored 100%
10 years ago
Hi Karl! I just responded to your question in the lesson discussion. Go take a look and let us know if that helps clear up any confusion.