New Student
Eric unlocked the drill 'Listen Closely for Long Vowels and Sokuon'
8 years agoEric finished the quiz 'Hiragana や to ん' and scored 95%
8 years agoEric unlocked the drill 'Last Set: ら to ろ'
8 years agoEric unlocked the drill 'や, ゆ, or よ?'
8 years agoEric finished the quiz 'Hiragana - は to も' and scored 98%
8 years agoEric obtained 'Repeat Offender'
8 years agoEric read the lesson 'We Have Some Tricky Ones: Katakana サ to ソ'
9 years agoEric read the lesson 'The Dakuten Strikes Back: Katakana ガ to ゴ'
9 years agoEric read the lesson 'Katakana カ to コ'
9 years agoEric read the lesson 'Katakana: Vowels First!'
9 years ago