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evilprincess_yui finished the quiz 'Quiz: マ to モ' and scored 100%
9 years agoevilprincess_yui finished the quiz 'Quiz: マ to モ' and scored 90%
9 years agoevilprincess_yui unlocked the drill 'ママ? Katakana マ to モ'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui read the lesson 'Katakana マ to モ'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui voted for Taylor's answer to RoRo&Rin's question 'Is it a big deal if i right the characters like they are on computers and not how it is shown on the lessons?'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui obtained 'Back From The Dead'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui commented on evilprincess_yui's question 'How to difference Katakana "shi" and "tsu"?'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui finished the quiz 'Quiz: バ to ポ' and scored 100%
9 years agoevilprincess_yui unlocked the drill 'Practice Katakana バ to ポ'
9 years agoevilprincess_yui read the lesson 'The Return of Handakuten: バ to ポ'
9 years ago