
2,160 Points Remaining
Lv. 15
15,965 / 18,125

New Student


Hey there, thanks for your question! The funny thing is, I haven't completed all the advanced lessons yet either! But hold on, let me explain: I think I started on this site about 2.5-3 years ago perhaps? I finished all the lessons that were available back then, and then I started learning the Joyo Kanji list and focused all my intention on that for about a year. After that I have been on a break for a long time and in the meanwhile the site has put up many great new lessons! I'm working my way through them (but not nearly as active as before) now. So back to your question: I've been here for 3 years, but I think I've only been really active for about 1,5 years. How long do you need to complete all lessons? For the life of me I can't remember, but if you work hard I'm sure you can finish them all in about 6 months. Good luck!

8 years 1 month 3 days ago plebaap

Yeah, let's both do our best. Good luck! がんばって!

8 years 3 months 1 day ago Tariq

こんにちは! はじめまして、よろしくおねがいします。 Thanks for following me. ^_^

8 years 9 months 2 weeks ago Asuna

I've completed the 50% of the beginner's level and it's been really fun so far. You'll enjoy it! がんばってください!

8 years 9 months 3 weeks ago erinea

Oh! You're a subscriber now! :D

8 years 9 months 3 weeks ago erinea

@emmachan you are most welcomed! It is good to know a helpful Japanese Language student like your good self. ;)

8 years 10 months 3 weeks ago JeForceX

Thanks for following me! :)

8 years 10 months 3 weeks ago Emmachan

ABOUT JEFORCEX Born, raised, live, work, and play in Singapore. Salaried employee in the Banking & Finance industry upon sunrise and aspiring entrepreneur in the Media & Communication industry after sunset. His interests and hobbies include Anime, Figures, Cosplay, Games, Events, Reading, Writing, Business, Media, and Technology. JeForceX writes about his interest, hobbies, and passion in Japanese Popular Culture at Project JeForceX. For more information, head over to and read some feature articles while you are there. ^^;

8 years 11 months 5 days ago JeForceX

JeForceX unlocked the drill 'No Accounting for Taste'

5 years ago

JeForceX completed the lesson 'It's Okay to Talk About Likes and Dislikes!'

5 years ago

JeForceX unlocked the drill 'カタカナ or かんじ?'

5 years ago

JeForceX completed the lesson 'Do Fish Have Ears?'

5 years ago

JeForceX unlocked the drill 'We Love Kotatsu!'

5 years ago

JeForceX completed the lesson 'New Year's Resolutions?!'

5 years ago

JeForceX unlocked the drill 'Relaxing Time!'

5 years ago

JeForceX completed the lesson 'Never Say "べんきょうしなくてもいい"!!'

5 years ago

JeForceX voted for ニカート's answer to Darko's question 'ANIME & MANGA'

5 years ago

JeForceX unlocked the drill 'I Don't Need So Much Pressure!'

5 years ago