Been wanting to learn Japanese for, uh, about 17 years now? Used to be really good at regular studies through Nihongo Master a few years ago, then life got in the way. Starting up again!
Good work.
Charlismatic unlocked the drill 'Voice Your Opinion!'
2 years agoCharlismatic completed the lesson 'The Tractable やすい'
2 years agoCharlismatic joined and is studying to become the next Nihongo Master!
2 years agoCharlismatic unlocked the drill 'Do I Look Like an おに!?'
6 years agoCharlismatic completed the lesson 'Too Much Hearsay Information!?'
6 years agoCharlismatic unlocked the drill 'Just in Case!'
6 years agoCharlismatic completed the lesson 'Wish Me Good Luck!'
6 years agoCharlismatic finished the quiz 'Volatile Volitional!' and scored 100%
6 years agoCharlismatic unlocked the drill 'Man is a Forgetting Reed'
6 years agoCharlismatic completed the lesson 'Vows Made in Storms are Forgotten in Calms'
6 years ago
"Mindtrick answered 3099 out of 3099 drills correctly for a success rate of 100%" That is crazy!