New Student
jose21 read the lesson 'ジョンさん Goes To The Store'
12 years agojose21 unlocked the drill 'Just Give Me One Minute'
12 years agojose21 read the lesson 'Minute Minutia'
12 years agojose21 unlocked the drill 'Say When'
12 years agojose21 read the lesson 'Telling Off Time'
12 years agojose21 unlocked the drill 'Eternally Young'
12 years agojose21 read the lesson 'But I Don't Want To Grow Up!'
12 years agojose21 obtained 'Cram Session'
12 years agojose21 unlocked the drill 'It's Rude To Do Drills With Your Mouth Full'
12 years agojose21 read the lesson 'Dig In!'
12 years ago