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tungthitcho obtained 'Go For The Gold'
11 years agotungthitcho read the lesson 'Katakana カ to コ'
12 years agotungthitcho obtained 'Overachiever'
12 years agotungthitcho finished the quiz 'Quiz: ア to オ' and scored 100%
12 years agotungthitcho obtained 'Mind Like A Steel Trap'
12 years agotungthitcho read the lesson 'Katakana: Vowels First!'
12 years agotungthitcho obtained 'Peek A Boo'
12 years agotungthitcho obtained 'Back From The Dead'
12 years agotungthitcho finished the quiz 'Hiragana Final Test' and scored 97%
12 years agotungthitcho read the lesson 'The Hiragana Vowels: あ to お'
12 years ago