I'm new to Japanese and excited to learn!
GottiDanni obtained 'King of the Mountain'
5 years agoGottiDanni unlocked the drill 'Do You Know Your Hiragana ま to も?'
5 years agoGottiDanni completed the lesson 'Mastering Consonant M: Hiragana from ま to も'
5 years ago
GottiDanni commented on discussion "How is all the newcomers like myself finding this? :)"
this site is good, wish I had known about it when I just arrived and had alot more free time.5 years ago
GottiDanni unlocked the drill 'Dakuten or Handakuten? ば to ぽ'
5 years agoGottiDanni completed the lesson 'Introducing Handakuten: ば to ぽ'
5 years agoGottiDanni obtained 'Back From The Dead'
5 years agoGottiDanni unlocked the drill 'Hiragana Drills は to ほ'
5 years agoGottiDanni completed the lesson 'H is for Hiragana は to ほ'
5 years agoGottiDanni finished the quiz 'Hiragana Quiz さ to の' and scored 90%
5 years ago