New Student
^^ Hi Senpai
Hey, nice avatar! Also, welcome to Nihongomaster!
Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for (User Deleted)
8 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for AwesomeNagisa-歌手
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for Sayuri
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for randomwaffles66
11 years ago霊子 voted for Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼's answer to 狐の水's question 'Translating news paper articles'
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 read the lesson 'Polite Name Calling: ~さん'
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 unlocked the drill 'Using the Pattern ~は~です。'
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 read the lesson '! ~は~です。'
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 commented on パウリーナ's question 'How can I remove my account?'
11 years agoLonewolfsinger 一匹狼 answered 狐の水's question 'Translating news paper articles'
11 years ago
こんにちは! I hope that you are doing well :)