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sbstratos79 obtained 'Back From The Dead'
10 years agosbstratos79 obtained 'Repeat Offender'
11 years agosbstratos79 unlocked the drill 'Dakuten Drills Round 2: ざto ぞ and Vocabulary'
11 years agosbstratos79 read the lesson 'Dakuten Changes S to Z: Hiragana from ざ to ぞ'
11 years agosbstratos79 voted for seakae's note on the lesson 'Dakuten Changes S to Z: Hiragana from ざ to ぞ'
11 years agosbstratos79 read the lesson 'Consonants Can Change: Hiragana from さ to そ'
11 years agosbstratos79 voted for monochromeRainbow's note on the lesson 'Consonants Can Change: Hiragana from さ to そ'
11 years agosbstratos79 voted for Masako's note on the lesson 'Consonants Can Change: Hiragana from さ to そ'
11 years agosbstratos79 voted for Masako's note on the lesson 'Consonants Can Change: Hiragana from さ to そ'
11 years agosbstratos79 left a comment for Nihon Scope
11 years ago
こんにちは! ナテ - です はじめまして! よろしく おねがいします! When you write konichiwa you actually write the end with Ha ... in fact you'll find out more as you go along that the symbol for ha a lot of the time is pronounce wa! Pretty interesting. I didn't know that either before I went through a couple of the lesson! I recommend checking out (my user name is kether1985) - (user name is kether1985) - - Then you can look into (I have not tried that one out yet) ---- but I also watch some general Japanese tv at - perhaps this will assist you in your studies as it has mine! (I really like - they have actual work books you can buy from amazon ... but the guy that runs it is funny and it's a great site!)