New Student
dharmashark unlocked the drill 'Neither Both Nor And'
9 years agodharmashark read the lesson 'The も Particles The も Fun'
9 years agodharmashark read the lesson 'Godzilla Vs. Kanji'
9 years agodharmashark unlocked the drill 'Larry, も, And Curly'
9 years agodharmashark read the lesson 'も Particles'
9 years agodharmashark unlocked the drill 'Forever ひとり'
10 years agodharmashark read the lesson 'Friends Don't Let Friends Study Alone'
10 years agodharmashark unlocked the drill 'The End Of The Week As We Know It'
10 years agodharmashark read the lesson 'Here Comes The Kanji'
10 years agodharmashark unlocked the drill 'Family Reunion'
10 years ago
Finally closed the gap on our scores! You're gonna lose >.>