New Student
Hi NikkoNakamura sorry i did not update Easy Kanji for a few days so today i added five!!! :) I hope that makes up for the missed days!! :)
Thanks for subscribing to my study list, Easy Kanji. I hope you like it!!!!
Thanks for the follow, good luck with your studies!
ZenryokuEvo obtained 'Rising Star'
11 months agoZenryokuEvo unlocked the drill 'Let's Get This Drill Done!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo completed the lesson 'Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo unlocked the drill 'I Need Your Favor Seriously!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo completed the lesson 'No One Can Live Alone!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo finished the quiz 'The Te-Form is Back!' and scored 94%
7 years agoZenryokuEvo unlocked the drill 'It's Good to "Know" 知る!!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo read the lesson 'Keep Studying 朝, 昼, and 夜!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo unlocked the drill 'The Spring Has Come!'
7 years agoZenryokuEvo read the lesson 'Happy お花見 Day!'
7 years ago
Thank you for subscribing to one of my study lists. I'll continue to do my best to update them. You're doing good at learning Japanese. Keep on pressing forward and don't give up. :D