Status: Nihongo Mastering...
musta ate anji
hello...ate anjie how are you?
hi....kumusta po ate anji
hi........kumusta ate anji
hellow ate anji
miss na you
アンジさん、こんにちは。皆さん、こんにちは。私の日本語の名前は桃花です。オーストラリア人です。私は生まれも育ちもオーストラリアです。だから漢字の読み書きは難しいです。日本で英語の先生になりたいですから日本語を勉強しています。私も日本のアニメが大好きですからいつか秋葉原に行きたいです。趣味はビデオゲ ームと日本のアニメを見ることと日本語と英語と技術を勉強することです。
Anji unlocked the drill 'Say When'
3 years agoAnji obtained 'Wanted'
3 years agoAnji answered Taco's question 'Any sort of App?'
4 years agoAnji commented on Aihara's answer for 'Difference between "Ga が" and "wa は"'
4 years agoAnji voted for Aihara's answer to センジヒカル's question 'Difference between "Ga が" and "wa は"'
4 years agoAnji answered Nihon Scope's question 'SRS times'
4 years agoAnji voted for Nihon Scope's answer to Anji's question 'Which part of Japan should I visit? And Why?'
4 years agoAnji voted for Nihon Scope's answer to cinnnamochi's question 'Tips for a Beginner'
4 years agoAnji answered AnoOtaku's question 'Manga'
4 years agoAnji unlocked the drill 'I Didn't NOT Study for the Test!'
4 years ago
What is the SRS times per correct answer in drills to the next? Does it increase from 1-15? and then does it increase in time if you select to go past 15 drill to unlimited?